26 Haziran 2017 Pazartesi

PATATESLI BAZLAMA (Turkish flatbreads filled with potato)

- 650 g plain flour
- 8 g instant dried yeast
- 1 Tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 280 ml water
- 120 ml Greek yoghurt

- 2 large potatoes, cooked and mashed
- 2 Tbsp parsley, finely chopped
- Salt and pepper to taste

1) Mix the ingredients together to form a dough
2) Knead for 10 minutes til smooth and shiny
3) Cover with greased cling film and prove until doubled in size
4) Mix all the ingredients for the filling
5) Knock back the dough, knead and divide into 8 balls
6) Roll each ball out to a flatbread and place a tablespoon filling in the middle and make a ball again
7) Roll out again
8) Leave to rest for 15 minutes
9) Cook on each side for 1-2 min in a hot pan

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